Fielding Key Points

Enjoyment/ Energy

Good fielders typically enjoy fielding.  Jonty Rhodes, arguably the best in fielder in the world used to LOVE it. He had a buzz about him that not only lifted his own standards but more importantly his teammate’s standards.

Power Position

When the batter makes contact with the ball every fielder must be in a power position. Feet a little wider than shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent; hips pushed back, and weight on the balls of the feet. This allows you to move laterally, vertically and forwards and backwards as efficiently as possible.

Watch the Ball

This is the single MOST IMPORTANT skill you can learn as a cricketer. Watching the ball all the way into the hands is critical. Often fielders take their eye off the ball in the last few inches and this can be the difference between a misfield and a clean pick up and throw.

Attack the ball

We want every fielder to close in, shut down angles and get to the ball in a low, balanced position as fast as possible. Mobility, stability, strength, power, conditioning and overall movement quality all plays a role in your efficiency as a fielder and if you work hard at these areas you will be able to attack the ball and take that difficult catch or effect a run out for you team.

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